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I want more FAQ. If you have a question, please ask to sakamoto, YakiBiki developer.

Generic FAQ

Where did "YakiBiki" name come from ?

"Yet Another Blog Like Wiki" → "YakiBiki"

What is YakiBiki's license ?

YakiBiki's license is Apache License, Version 2.0.
Use Smarty and PEAR libraries which are included in YakiBiki under their own license.

Thank you for following beautiful and cool icons in default theme :

Who develops ? How about support ?

At Nov. 2008, Masahiko Sakamoto(msakamoto-sf@users.sourceforge.net) develops YakiBiki, and support on a personal basis.

Are there any mailing-lists ?

There're two mailing-lists for users and developers in SourceForge.net for english.

At Nov. 2008, you can also mail your request, question, and any ideas directly to Masahiko Sakamoto(msakamoto-sf@users.sourceforge.net).
(For a while, only Masahiko Sakamoto develops YakiBiki on a personal basis ...)

How to follow latest("trunk") source code ?

For subversion
$ svn co https://yakibiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/yakibiki/yb-php/trunk .
SF.net SCM Repositry Viewer

FAQ for usage and configurations.

I want to change site url. What needed ?

  1. Change "_YB('url')" in your config.php.
  2. Delete all directories under temp/caches/.

Behavior of "Back" browser button is strange.

At management pages, YakiBiki maintains request state for each session. So, "Back" button will not work as you hope.
If you want to back to list in create/edit form page, it is recommended using menu icons in header or "Cancel & Back To List" link.

I want to use PEARs in my system, not included in YakiBiki.

There're two ways for doing it.

  • Adjust _YB('dir.pear') to your system's PEAR library path.
  • Comment out _YB('dir.pear').
    • → Confirm your "include_path" value in php.ini is correct.

I want to use some characterset, not UTF-8.

Sorry, YakiBiki doesn't support character set except UTF-8.

How to stop that YakiBiki split page title by "/" and automatically create links in detailed page view.

Set "false" for _YB('use.title_auto_ls') in your config.php.

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