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What is "Template" in YakiBiki ?

"Template" in YakiBiki is template data which inclulde ACL, categories presets.

Items in "Template" presets.

You can assign following items when creating template.

A name of template itself.
A page title pre-configuration.
ACL pre-configuration.
Categories pre-selection.
moderated settings
Modelates pre-configuration.
(Data Types Specific)
When text data, you can set template text.

Special keywords you can embed into title.

YakiBiki replaces special keywords in template title to creation datetime.

keyword replaced to
{$now_ymd} YYYYMMDD
{$now_y/m/d} YYYY/MM/DD
{$now_y-m-d} YYYY-MM-DD
{$now_year} YYYY
{$now_month} MM
{$now_day} DD
{$now_hour} hh
{$now_min} mm
{$now_sec} ss
{$now_hhmm} hhmm
{$now_hh:mm} hh:mm
{$now_hhmmss} hhmmss
{$now_hh:mm:ss} hh:mm:ss

Notice, YakiBiki replaces these keywords at displaying "new" page, not at saving new data.

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